Çevreci Uygulamalarımız - RU

In real terms, a developed country is called for who can keep its water and air clean and improve its industry.  One of the most important environment problem is dust emission.  Dust emission mostly occurs on roads either not constructed or not paved so we need to pave our roads.


Everybody want roads in good quality.




Nobody wants nearby stone quarry owing to wrong site selection and management of stone quarries.

Nobody wants a nearby dusting crusher plant.

Nobody wants a nearby asphalt plant polluting the environment.





As from stone quarries, our all plants and operations are conducted as efficiently and respectful to the environment. We established our all facilities with this understanding and carry on our operations in difference to this understanding. In our all quarries; it is paid attention to visibility states in terms of visual pollution for securing the minimization of adverse impacts to the environment of aggregate production.

For this reason, our target in aggregate production is to produce clean aggregate in required quality level as in required grading with proper grain shape in accordance with standards.

Moving to the understanding of efficiently qualified operation of environment friendly crusher plant should be a necessity to achieve required target, to overcome all this faced difficulties and problems.

When considering with this understanding;

  •  Should be decrease in production costs
  • Should be reduce in number of employee and decrease in handling charges
  • Should be increase in production rate at unit of time
  • Production diversification should be based on automatisation
  • Should be achieved aggregated in required quality and qualification,
  • Quality and economical loss should be prevented by storing aggregates under ideal storage conditions.
  • Proper emission control systems should be utilized with correct data.
  • The environment should be protected all adverse impacts.

Sine qua non is a good business planning in advance. Quality, environment and economy (costs) should be considered all together.


Main reasons of dusting during processes of aggregate production, storing and feeding to system are mentioned below:

  • Dusting occurs in crusher
  • Dusting occurs while loading from crusher to trucks
  • Dusting occurs during transportation as a result of traffic of loader and trucks in storage fields.
  • Dusting occurs while discharging in storage fields.
  • Aeolian dusting occurs as a result of storage in outdoor place
  • Dusting occurs during loading and transferring from outdoor
  • Dusting occurs during aggregates feeding to cold silos.


In our all stone quarries; to minimize environmental impacts of aggregate production, all necessary precautions are taken in our all crushing and screening plants.

  • All components caused dusting such as crushers, screens and belts are turned into fully closed state.
  • Dry type dust filter are used for dust absorbing inside of each components caused dusting.
  • Achieved fillers are utilized in asphalt production and as row material in industry.
  • Noise level is minimized.

Conveyor belts with dry type filtering and elevators covered and/or operating in a tunnel should be preferred for local transport and feeding to the plant instead of using heavy duty equipment and trucks.

The products in required quality are achieved by right crushing-screening treatments of right raw material. For example; raw materials which can be utilized as filling and ground improvement material and also makes no advantage of crushing at the crusher should be identified initially in quarry and utilized most properly. The raw material required for aggregate production of sub-base, plant mixture base, asphalt and concrete is selected correctly in quarry and products are achieved with proper producing planning at crusher in required quality level. By means of this both quarry operates efficiently and achievements of required products are maintained in more qualified and economical way.

Primary crushing netwrok and seconder crushing network should be seperately planned and operated, yet in our country mixed ballast material crushed in primary crusher is directly transferred to seconcer crushing group.

This case is the most imperfect system thought as the best one.

Its efficiency is low of 50% at least.

In case of a most basic failure, all system is obliged to shut-down.

Dust release cannot be prevented because it is not possible to close screens and belts of the system.

Ideal system is "Cut-off System".




Our all crushing-screening plants operates with “discontinuity system.”

By means of discontinuity system; 

  • Possibility of operating with the highest capacity and efficiency is maintained.
  • A possible failure, diversification in the capacity, maintenance or repair does not directly affect the other network.
  • Dusting is prevented by closing screens and belts of the system and transferring occurred dust to the dry type filter via suction line.
  • Aggregate is produced in required quality as ultimate crushed in accordance with standards.




1. Affective by-pass system, frons –screen and when required enrichment method for ballast material is applied.


  • Smash zones involved in raw material, weathered rock material or clay liner featured rack filling material is prevented as far as possible to involve in crushed aggregated.
  • It is utilized by enhancing the quality as required for By-pass material, filling and ground improvement material and etc.

2. Jaw-crusher is preferred as primary crusher and this type of crusher are used in our facilities.

Ballast sizing screen is used instead of standard primary screen in the outlet of jaw-crusher (specially designed primary screen produced by E-MAK).





By means of transforming compact and closed system of seconder crushing networks that we separate from primary crushing network;


  • Aggregate is produced in required quality as ultimate crushed in accordance with standards.
  • Quality and economical loss should is prevented.



  • Production costs are decreased.
  • Handling charges are decreased.
  • Quarried all products are utilized.
  • Production at unit of time is increased.
  • Number of employee is reduced.
  • Production diversification is based on automatisation.
  • Aggregate grades are produced in required quality in accordance with standard.
  • Great benefits are gained in terms of occupational safety.
  • Environment is protected against all adverse impacts.

Bare belt, screen and reserve storage of every seconder crusher is transformed as compact closed system.